Are you one of those people who cover their mouth when they speak? Or chew gum whenever they’re talking to another person? Then you really have to know the basic steps in teeth cleaning and see how you can improve your teeth with effective teeth cleaning tips.

Here are a few tips on how to properly do your teeth cleaning. Make sure you allot time for this in your daily routine. First, brush your teeth using toothpaste with fluoride at least twice a day for two minutes or more. You should not brush your teeth immediately after you eat especially if you just consumed highly acidic food and beverages because it can damage y our teeth. How? The enamel in your teeth softens due to acid and can wear off when you immediately brush your teeth after.

How do you brush your teeth? This is indeed simple but many still do this wrong way. A thorough teeth cleaning hinders the development of plaque (bacteria), which can develop into tooth decay. So how do we properly brush our teeth? First, you have to place the head of the toothbrush against your teeth. Tilt the bristle tips at a 45 degree angle. Move the brush in a circular motion several times and over all surfaces of the tooth. Brush the outer surface of your teeth starting with the upper teeth, keeping the bristles angled against the gum line. After you are done with the outer surface, follow the same procedure on the inner surface of your teeth. When you are cleaning the inner surface of your teeth, tilt the brush vertically and make several small circular strokes. Then, brush the chewing surfaces of your teeth. And finally, brush your tongue simultaneously from inner to outer edge. Gargle and you will feel refreshed.

Remember that there is significance in doing these steps in achieving effective teeth cleaning. Not only will you save yourself from embarrassing bad breath moments but also feel confident and enjoy life knowing the right way to effectively clean your teeth at home.