Yes, there are a lot of causes why we have stained teeth. Usually, the primary cause is food and drink consumption – especially those ones that we never expect could stain our teeth like long and persistent consumption of coffee, tea and red wine. The staining effect worsens if you don’t regularly brush your teeth after meals. Another cause is nicotine. Nicotine is found in cigarette butts, and can really stain your teeth. The best option for you is to seek out laser dentistry options if you are unwilling to quit smoking or cut back on coffee and tea.

The stains that are caused by these circumstances are called extrinsic stains. These extrinsic stains are very easy to remove by the use of laser dentistry technology. On the other hand, there is also what we call the intrinsic stains – those which are caused by excessive intake of fluoride and tetracycline and are very difficult to remove. There are also some stains that are genetically developed.

As mentioned earlier, extrinsic stains are more easily removed by dental lasers. A procedure called Laser Teeth Whitening is on the market for laser dentistry and often requested for teeth stains solutions. It is the safest and easiest dental laser procedure. This procedure is also painless and you could get results sooner than you think.

Laser Dentistry is your best option and if you want those pearly white teeth choose Laser Teeth Whitening. During this procedure, a gel which contains hydrogen peroxide is used to lighten your teeth. After application, a special LED light is lit unto the gel applied on your teeth. The light activates the gel. This procedure usually takes up to 45 minutes. The gel then gets rid of the stains on your teeth, stains which can in fact lead to tooth decay, gingivitis, and plaque.

Learn more about how you can improve the look of your stained teeth with the help of the team at Wesbrook Village Dental Centre.