Why would you need a tooth extraction? Normally if a tooth is damaged by decay or by a fracture, your dentist will probably attempt to repair the tooth with a crown, filling or bridge. It may sometimes be necessary to remove the tooth if the damage done is too extensive.

Most extractions can be performed under a local anesthetic and don’t generally require anything more.

Why would you need a tooth extraction? For some of the following reasons:

  • If you tooth has extensive decay, or has broken or cracked, it is often the case that extraction is the best possible solution for you and your health.
  • In other cases, your tooth may be okay to be repaired, but an obstacle has presented itself and has made the repair impossible.
  • Tooth extraction may be performed if your tooth is malpositioned. This means that tooth is in an odd position that could affect the rest of your teeth. In most cases, this is a wisdom tooth that either starts irritating your cheek, or starts pushing your other teeth out of alignment, ruining your bite and your smile.
  • Wisdom teeth are among the most removed teeth as they’re often unwanted and unneeded.

If you’re experiencing a toothache, the best solution is to contact Wesbrook Village Dental Centre as soon as possible to avoid possible complications and do your best to keep your smile as natural as possible.